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(PreScript note: I was going to add this to my "windows live space" but the Advertising server makes each page load amazingly slow, or not at all. On top of that, the MS live search couldn't even tell I wanted to get there when I entered livespaces.msn.com and live.spaces.com : silly microsoft search can't even find itself, apparently...)
(Bumping thread) I downloaded the more recent version of the
'Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar'
IEDevToolBarSetup.msi ;
1.00.2188.0 ;
Date Published: 5/9/2007
for Internet Explorer 6 (on Windows XP Home),
only to find that it wouldn't work...
This even after restarts, adding the button to the 'Standard Buttons bar',
and going to Internet Options > Programs > Manage Add-ons
to make sure that
* [ blank file called "IE Developer Toolbar"] and
* [IEDevToolbar.dll (Browser Helper Object/ BHO)
were enabled.
The solution in post "11 May 2007, 8:33 PM UTC" also worked for me.
Please consider adding this solution to the (quote-unquote) Release Notes.
(Does anyone know where we can get some more detailed Release Notes for this?)
We really need to get the word out that the Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar beats the pants off the default "DOM Explorer" in Firefox, and good documentation is the best way to do it...