According to the webpage at
Saoradh is
- SEARruh / [SEER-uh ] (Connact), or
- SAyR ruh / SAIR-uh (Munster) , or
- SEE ruu or [SEER hu] (Ulster) [/is this true? "saortha" is [ SAIRhha ]),
* the announcer in this video sounds like he's saying [ SIH-Ruu ], similar to "cereal" (maybe SEEru or SAY rul )?
(Munster seems to be most Irish/Gaelic: see "Saor" at
; see also "saortha" [sayr ha] (sayrr(t)ha)
Accoribg to Wikitionary, the "IPA"(key): for these is
- (Munster) IPA: /ˈsˠ eː ɾˠ ə /
- (Galway) IPA /ˈsˠ iː ɾˠ ə /
- (Mayo) IPA(key): / ˈsˠiːɾˠuː/
- (Ulster) IPA(key): / ˈsˠiːɾˠu/
from "Saoirse Ronan Explains How to Pronounce Her Name"
"so actually is Saoirse [[SEER-sheh ], but it's easier for americans to pronounce it {SUR-sha}."--quote from Saoirse Ronan
[me; but note SEER-sha is essentially SaUR-shuh with just a slight change is accent!]
"We say seer-sha / ser-sha, Americans tend to say sur-sha"
[note: it's a very subtle "SEER"[SEAR] ... ]]
Saoirse is an Irish female given name which became popular in Ireland in the 1920s. ... The word saoirse, meaning 'freedom'
Siobha'n : god is gracious [SHI'van]
Saoradh =
SEER-ruh, SEE'rah
or SaUR-rah or SaUr-rahv
or [SEHR RAH] (sarrah)
or SAOR-rah [SAY'orra] = Sa+oradh = almost SAY+orav (orabh) > [= SAY O RA hh]
...or, like SAOR in ?
Saoradh [SEERah] [SEAHrah] [sˠiːɾˠə]
(SEE AHR rah?)
(I prefer my made up pronunciation of SORahv / SOAR av / Sirav / sierab/ sehrah ]
> IPA :
[ e: ] = [ ay ] as in 'pay'
[ i: ] = [ ee ] as in 'tree', 'sheer' or [ea] is in 'shear', 'mean'
"... the IPA phonetic symbol /iː/ corresponds to the vowel sound in words like "fleece", "tree" and "seat "..."
(per wikitionary: "[ iː ] >> example: [ 'mín ' (irish)] >> [pronounced as in English "mean"]")
BUT [ i ] could be just [ ih ], when used as [sihr], pronounced like "cer' in "cereal" .
> therefore
[siɾˠə] = SEER rah
[ˈsˠeːɾˠə]=SAYR ruh
/ˈsˠiːɾˠəvˠ/ = SEER rev
>> COMBINE TO MAKE sir'rahv / sirrah/ sih rahh
SAOR(adv) (([SIRR/SEE+ the letter "R"(ahr)
= SEahr] ))
SAOIR(se) [SEER](sha)
* Acccording to YOutube video, the name Saor
pronounced 3 ways in Ireland:
> SEERr (rolled r)
> SEE-R / SEEah (almost silent r: SEE-uh(r)
> odd way: SAH-YA
BUT I THINK THIS IS WRONG! SAYorrah is more likely
becuase SEER is used in "Saorse'[SEERshih]
Another website says "SAR'RAH" !!! == [sehrah] !
sˠiːɾˠə], == SEER eh (ə= 'ah' as in 'sofa')
/ˈsˠi ː ɾˠə / = S
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