February 14, 2008

How You Can Tell Someone's Not In A Relationship

"Valentine's Day?

Forget that---there's a new episode of 'Lost' on tonight!"

February 10, 2008

Request for Enhancements (RfE) - to Miscrosoft, re Vista

Request for Enhancements (RfE)
TO: Miscrosoft
RE: Vista

(Man, this operating system's user interface is really annoying.)

RfE #5,822 : Fix it so that the UI doesn't show me a Shortcut creation icon if it's just going to *&^%$#@! copy the folder.

Action: [Alt] + click + drag file or folder from one folder to another folder (from one drive to another drive).
Visual cue: A 'shortcut creation' icon.
Actual Result: Vista copies the entire folder to target. (no shortcut)
Why It's Annoying: The folder I was trying to create a simple link to was HUGE, and there was no clear way to cancel the COPY command I had not intended to issue.

RfE #5,823 : Make the metadata displayed in the Details pane CONSISTENT! !!!!!
(MUCH more USER control of file metadata is required if this is to be at all useful. Why can't we set up global metadata of all files REGARDLESS OF EXTENSION?)

RfE #5,824 : Why is it that I could set attributes for mp3s (.mp3 files) by right-clicking on a file in XP, but Vista won't let me change the attributes?


Video Games, and Too Much Free Time

[posted by Liberty; file under: shared bookmarks, links, recommended]

This is a great idea for a blog:
"Too much free time - Playing every video game, because it needs to be done."

It's not actually ever game; he really meant "playing every obscure DOS or NES game I could find online" -- but it's still a great title and idea.

Check it out at http://tmftgame.blogspot.com (opens in a new window or tab).

Updated : Beyond Guitar Hero -> Be a Keyboard Hero !
